
Primary school in Tenczynek is a state school located in a picturesque village, 25 kilometres from Krakow, in southern Poland. There are about 350 students and 40 teachers. Our Patron is Wladyslaw Jagiello who was a very successful Polish King in the 15th century. Our school consists of two buildings - the older one, where the younger pupils aged 7-9 study and the new one - for the students aged 10-15. Until the age of 9 students have one class teacher for all the subjects, except for English and Religious Education. When they start grade 4, students study different subjects, such as Polish, English, Maths, History, Geography, I.T, Science, Music, Art or PE.
Our school community is very active. Throughout the school year we organize a lot of events on various occasions. We also take part in different projects, including Erasmus+.

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