A week in Almada

Between 26th May  and 1st June the group of 22 students and 9 teachers from Italy, the Czech Republic, Poland and Turkey visited Guadalupe Colegio in Portugal, for the second concerts of Erasmus+ Project "TEJL-Together to Enjoy, Join to Learn". During the visit the group participated in vocal and instrumental workshops and practised the songs   for the "Movie and  Musicals songs" concert.  Thanks to the hard work of the music teachers of the four countries, but above all the strong  competence a of the the three  Portuguese music teachers, Liane, Ricardo and Arthur  and  thanks to the perfect organization of Cristina Melo, the headmistress and firend, it was an Amazing week  that the students  will hardly forget.  The international choir and music band consisted of 60 students and teachers and performed 10 songs and the Anthem of the Colegio Guadalupe.  

Students had the opportunity to visit Lisbon, participate in an art workshop and meet new friends.

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